Veteran Farming Program
Hero Agriculture's flagship Veteran Farming Program helps veterans explore farming and find new purpose.

Explore Possibilities
There are hundreds of ways to be a farmer. You don’t like working with cows? Goats are smaller. Alpacas are smarter. Chickens take less work. Hay doesn’t need to be fed every day. Solar panels can’t bite.
Just as important as finding something you like to do is understanding what you don’t like to do. It’s crucial that veterans know what they’re getting into before making a big commitment. Our network of farmers helps veterans explore the farming possibilities.
Find a Farming Mentor
Some veterans start with the basics, like important cycles and timelines, regulations, and how to use specialized equipment and tools for their farming interest. Others are ready to explore strategic questions about location, scale, land acquisition, or business planning. We match veterans with farming mentors who help them build skills and knowledge to succeed.

Get Specialized Training
We partner with state universities, local businesses and high schools, and agencies such as USDA and U.S. Forest Service to educate veterans on topics like crop planning and management, canning, egg candling, and small engine and large farm equipment repair.
Launch Your Own Farm
When veterans are ready to launch or expand their own farming operation, we connect them with experts and service providers. We support veterans as they get loans, buy land and equipment, develop farmland, set up their chart of accounts, and launch their first marketing campaign.
Our network includes farming experts, financial planners, loan officers, accountants, graphic designers, writers, and farm and building supply businesses that offer our veterans substantial discounts and support.

Be Part of a Community Again
It’s not unusual to feel you’ve lost your identity and purpose when you leave the military. Civilian life can be a culture shock. Survival instincts like swerving to avoid a paper sack now work against you. You suddenly have lots of time to reflect, which sometimes leads to second-guessing or guilt.
We are a community of veterans at Hero Agriculture. We were deployed. We understand. We have each other’s backs.
Do Meaningful Work
Not everyone who farms with us decides to make farming their life’s work. Whether farming is your business, your hobby, or just your way of letting off steam, we welcome all types of veteran farmers. No matter what career or life path you choose, farming with our Hero Agriculture community can make it more meaningful.