Our stories are
Stories of Paying It Forward
Purpose is the key to fulfillment.
LTC Tim Doherty, known to many of us as “Doc,” has never shied away from a challenge. As an accomplished Medevac pilot and Medical Operations Officer, he was handpicked to deploy as the Deputy Surgeon for NATO Special Operations Component Command in Afghanistan. As a public school educator, he was named assistant principal after only four years of teaching. As the father of five children, he is proud to say that the three who are old enough have chosen military service.
After being injured during a deployment to Afghanistan and undergoing multiple surgeries while assigned to the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Fort Stewart Army Base, Tim struggled to transition back to civilian life.
Then, he discovered beekeeping and with it, new purpose.
Then he discovered beekeeping and with it, new purpose. Soon after, he founded Doc’s Healing Hives to help veterans suffering from PTSD experience the therapeutic benefits of beekeeping.
Leveraging Hero Agriculture’s network of business planning resources, he bought land and built a place to raise bees in Morganton, GA, where he has created a thriving community of veteran beekeepers and last year opened a bee learning center for veterans.
Tim is now part of our invaluable network of farming partners. Paying it forward.